What's It Like Living In Boston?

What's It Like Living In Boston?

US News named Massachusetts the best state in America in February of last year.

As the state capital, Boston is a hub of learning, enterprise, and activity.

If you're looking to buy real estate in the Boston area, then you're in good company - the locals love it. Bostonians rave about all the reasons why they love living in Boston, like the city's history, culture, great vibes and excellent food.

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Average Rent Prices by Town

Average Rent Prices by Town

Boston Pads recently published a series of infographics showing the average rent prices by town in the Greater Boston area. Utilizing their extensive database of over 156,000 Boston apartments, they were able to calculate the average rent price for most of the areas in close proximity to the city.

Average rent prices were formulated from 8,884 apartments that were either rented within the last 12 months or that are currently listed as available. These averages specifically exclude apartments that reside in luxury buildings.

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The Hottest Neighborhoods in Boston

The Hottest Neighborhoods in Boston

Boston is one of the most sought after cities in America, it truly has something to offer everyone.

If you're planning a move to Boston, you'll want to know where the hottest areas are. This article will get you familiar with all the local landmarks!

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